一日遅れのぶろぐになります、 どうもファイナルが終わってぶっ続けの飲み会ですっかり忘れていました。 まぁ、なにはともあれ、無事に今学期終えたことをありがたく思ってます。みなさんに感謝です。 それでは、本題に入りまして、正直なところ、ぶろくって、いったいなにを書けばいいのか!? 毎日出来事はいろいろあるくせに、いざとなると、いいネタがまったく浮ばない! これはいったいなぜ・・・ 。。。 という訳で、ちょっと友達のK.Y.さんとの会話をネタにしたいと思います。 Y: 新しい英語を覚えた。 M: なになに? Y: テスト、BS。 M: 言ってごらん M: ・・・ はい、悪い英語は忘れてください! Y: えー?悪い英語なのー?? M: BS?でしょ? M: どういう意味か分かって言ってんの? Y: テストてきとうにやった。 M: はははは M: かわいいい~ Y: aaaa Y: だまされた!メンターにだまされた! Y: ちょーきたないワードじゃんw Y: テストbombedに訂正!! M: いや、 M: まぁ、 M: 間違ってはいないんだけどね。。。 Y: じゃあいいやw Y: bull sh*t ってな具合でした、 I can say for certain, similar situations has happened to me in the past, so... Everyone be careful when you learn new words! And Y-san, ネタありがとー PR
あれ?あいちゃん僕のことオタクって言った~ ひどい・・・ ちなみに僕はオタクではありませんので、 ただ世間の目からはそう見られてるだけです。 昨日同様英語ブログを任されているので、そろそろ変換したいと思います。 yosh! Recently, I was addicted to the popular J-drama and anime, Nodame Cantabile. I was never really one who listened to classical, but the story and character development kept me yearning for more. Yesterday, I stumbled upon a concert at the recently completed Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall - lo and behold, it was Beethoveen's 7th Symphony! I know it may seem a little strange, but yes... I enjoy some clasical music. Time to study again. uuu... ちなみに、オタクじゃないから! 明日のぶろぐは・・・ 誰だっけ?w ええっと、先週はブログを書くのを完全に忘れてしまったので、今週はがんばって、二週間分を書きたいと思っております。
青い海! 白い空。。。っておい! なんか夏だって言うのにスッゲー寒くなった(w)
While we’re in school, we cannot wait for this day to come, and when it finally does, we don’t know what to do with the 有り余る時間 that we are suddenly given. Me? Well… as you all know, I am an 秋葉ケー so I don’t think I need to go into detail of what I do in my free time. :p
But let me tell you a little bit about my finals week… or red week, whatever you want to call it. Wednesday… Wednesday was hell. I still remember it vividly even though it was over one week ago. Accounting and multi-variable calculus is enough to kill any sane man. The night before, I remember completely giving up, after looking at the pile of unfinished homework and missed classes… 俺は完全に諦めきってた. This is not a good thing, I mean two of my four classes, 8 units of GPA that I have to worry about, over 50% of those grades were about to be decided in a mere 4 hours. When you try to look at the bigger picture though, it’s only 4 hours… ONLY. I attended 3 months of class, just for these 4 hours…
Surprisingly, after I finished, I didn’t think I did as bad as I anticipated. Accounting was still horrible, but I think I was able to get over 60% of the questions, and considering our class average has been around 50% on both mid-terms, I should be in good shape, right? As for calculus, out of the 13 long questions, I think I nailed 10, and I put down answers for all, so I’m hoping for partial credit on the rest.
Overcoming the biggest obstacle of this quarter, gave me unprecedented 開放感 I felt free. Free to not study, freedom to do whatever I wanted. Though I had a mid-term the next day… But I was FREE! In my own bliss, I spent time with my girlfriend and played videogames that day, almost indifferent to the upcoming test I was about to face… But hey!
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*JSAの名探偵 犯罪学から犯人を追う。
*JSAのDream Maker